“In Pursuit of Justice.”

We are a law firm that prides itself on our ability to provide the highest quality advice and legal representation. Theodorous work in collaboration with our clients, lawyers and experts to build an ambitious team working together with the goal of delivering the strongest possibility of success and excellent client outcomes.

Theodorous are relentless in their approach.

We achieve the best possible outcomes for whatever situations faced by our clients. Led by leaders and winners, our people are recognised as specialists in litigation. Our lawyers are creative tacticians and shrewd negotiators.


Our criminal defence solicitors are known for being strategic, astute and successful in their pursuit of justice. Our lawyers have received international recognition for their work in defending and succeeding on behalf of their clients. Our legal teams are known for their skills in criminal litigation, advocacy and their ability to protect their clients interests.

Criminal Defence Lawyers »


Looking for legal support for vaccine injury claim? Look no further than our Vaccine Damage Claims, the trusted service operating on a ‘no win, no fee’ basis. Our Claim Application allows customers to file and track claims quickly and securely, with expert assistance available whenever needed. Call us today on 0843 636 7687.

Vaccine Damage Claims


Disputes and civil litigation is dealt with in a professional and thorough way in order to achieve for our clients to have clarity of thought in a wide range of complex disputes. We have a proven track record of acting successfully in complex litigation. Our reputation team is available to ensure that sensitive matters are kept private and confidential.

See How We Can Help »


We regularly act on behalf of individuals defending claims and challenging orders. We understand the impact litigation or the threat of proceedings can have on your ability to carry on with your normal way of life. Our strategy is to be pro active using tried and tested methods to discharge orders and to defeats allegations. We build the best legal teams in the United Kingdom to deal with your case and avoid or deal with adverse publicity.

Find Out How We Can Help »

Police Station Representation

We are experts in the field of criminal defence in the UK. Theodorous represent a wide range of people, from professional backgrounds to young people and well-known individuals, for whom a police investigation can have a devastating effect on their lives as well as professional, personal and financial implications.

Magistrates Court Representation

When a case goes to the magistrates court, we ensure that every detail is examined to make sure our clients have the best possible chance of success. Every legal and evidential point is thoroughly examined, and we instruct the best barristers and expert witnesses when required. Our experienced solicitors will guide you through this process.

Crown Court Representation

The severity of punishments in the crown court illustrates the seriousness of cases which are heard there. Our lawyers have experience of assisting individuals accused with a wide range of criminal offences. At Theodorous we provide specialist advice, non judgemental support and expert representation to increase the likelihood of success.

Justice, and only justice you shall pursue.
— Deuteronomy 16:20


Our Practice

We are based in the city of Birmingham, United Kingdom to ensure we are geographically located in the heart of the country, ensuring our clients have easy access to meet with their legal team.


Our Promise

We do not discriminate, we do not abuse our position by taking unfair advantage of our clients, we perform all obligations and undertakings, and we do not mislead or attempt to mislead. We are Theodorous.


Our Team

We have a 1st class tech set-up to host legal conferences with easy of access for our clients with internet access. This includes the ability to appear remotely before courts & police stations.

The health of the people should be the supreme law.
— Cicero's De Legibus (book III, part III, sub. VIII).

Police Station Interviews

We attend police stations across England and Wales to represent those accused of a crime. We have vast experience in attending interviews.

Magistrates Court Solicitor

Magistrates Courts hear either way and summary only offences and we have lawyers ready to attend whenever required.

Serious Criminal Offences

Serious criminal offences i.e. Indictable only offences are heard at the Crown Court and Theodorous are always ready to attend.